Mismatch Between Intended Land-Use and Development Standards

The Seattle downtown area affected is extensive, consisting of 80 full city blocks including 4 “Danger zones” of unprotected residents (including DOC1, DOC2, DRC and DMC Waterfront zone). Even Residential buildings in protected zones that border these four unprotected zones can be negatively impacted.

These “Danger zones” suffer from the lack of the residential development standards that other protected zones enjoy, such as tower spacing.

Other downtown residents have these livability standards; some in SLU and some right across Virginia St. from us, so why don’t the rest of us have them too?  

We believe that everyone, no matter where they reside, is entitled to a livable environment that includes access to daylight, open space and privacy. It's simply a matter of fairness and justice.

According to the Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan, two thirds of total residential growth can occur in areas without the mitigating regulations of height, bulk, spacing, etc. currently protecting most residents of Belltown and South Lake Union.

This results in a mismatch between intended land use (mostly residential) and development standards (mostly commercial) creating adverse consequences for Downtown residents. For example, that’s why Douglaston can build a residential tower right across the alley from Escala twice as big as they could build a commercial building on the same site.