Slow Down and Get MHA Up-Zoning right!

Below are Downtown Resident LaGayle Sosnowy’s comments on this important issue.


“Hello, I’m LaGayle Sosnowy, and I’m a downtown resident.

As the City Council gets closer to passing the Citywide Mandatory Housing affordability bill, I believe that the results downtown should give them pause.

As we’ve said many times before, we are in favor of Density Done Right; but that’s not what has happened downtown. The downtown MHA has allowed massive towers to engulf already crowded blocks, diminishing livability, and paralyzing alley and street circulation with non-functional loading and waste design. Worst of all, the City Design Review process give neighbors no real voice without incurring tremendous legal expenses. 

You’ve used downtown as the “canary in the coal mine”. And the canary died.

Please go back to the drawing board and get this right.”


Video testimony by Downtown Resident Megan Kruse at the hearing:

Seattle City Council video testimony February 21, 2019

If you agree with our concerns about this legislation, please email and tell him what you think.