Send Your Comments on Vision 2050 ASAP!

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is calling for public input on the draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) statement for Vision 2050, the region's long-range growth plan.  As we've witnessed, grand regional plans are interpreted by Seattle City government to create or revise municipal policy, codes, guidelines and directives. Comprehensive plans are only as good as their input.  As Center City residents we need to submit comments and ideas to balance feedback from the development community and other interest groups.

PSRC offers three development alternatives all  "intended to preserve resource lands and promote development within urban areas to create more compact, walkable, and transit-friendly communities. The alternatives present trade-offs on how to achieve those outcomes."

We've embraced density by choosing to live downtown.  We've had the opportunity to see where current transportation, infrastructure and development policies are failing to deliver a healthy and livable quality of life.  These issues need to be addressed in the new EIS.

Please share this communication with your neighbors and take time to send a short statement through the PRSC's online comment form: or send a longer comment or document via email to: to share ideas on how transportation and development policy can be improved to create density that serves community and environmental goals. 

The deadline for responses is 5 pm next Monday, April 29.  The link to the PSRC site with the Vision 2050 Executive Summary and details is:   

If you don't have time to create a new document, we've attached a package of suggested reforms in a Downtown Density Bill of Rights