
We need action, not more talk

Towers not designed to handle deliveries in the age of e-commerce will overwhelm the transportation supply chain and urban livability, health, safety and the environment. 

We need action, not more talk

Will Seattle's 19th Century transportation grid continue to survive business as usual?

Seattle’s need for rapid transit, wide alleys, sidewalks, streets and public spaces has never been greater

Will Seattle's 19th Century transportation grid continue to survive business as usual?

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

The tone deaf SDCI rolled over once again on transportation matters, accepting the applicant’s “fantasyland” info virtually verbatim, forcing Escala to Appeal their approval of the nonfunctional design.

Tone Deaf SDCI Forces Escala to Appeal!

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

DRB asks for further study of proposed tower family after the community presented multiple studies and images showing that, without mitigation, the towers will do mass damage to the entire block.

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

Downtown Alley Code Amendment: It’s really elementary my dear Watson.

We’ve had it with broken promises at all levels of city government. This Alley Code Amendment is not an unreasonable request. It’s something that is long overdue in order to have functional design of loading, waste, and delivery facilities in downtown Seattle.

For District 7 Candidates, you have no excuse for “waffling” on the issue unless you really don’t support us and don’t have the guts to say so.

Downtown Alley Code Amendment: It’s really elementary my dear Watson.

Downtown Congestion Pricing [Tolls] Not Good Idea For Seattle

These charges would do little to curb automobile usage in the Seattle area. But they would make Seattle less accessible, more inequitable and a less appealing place to live, work, shop, visit, and be entertained. It’s just another example of our City leaders chasing new revenue sources without considering the damage it would cause to our vibrant downtown.

Downtown Congestion Pricing [Tolls] Not Good Idea For Seattle

The Downtown Alley Cat Is On The Prowl: Episode 12

I went over to the alley behind Escala to take a look at a big truck sticking out of their loading dock and blocking all alley traffic. And sure enough, a picture of this truck belongs right at the top of any list showing why a downtown alley code amendment is absolutely necessary here in Seattle; and why none of these new pending high-rise projects downtown should be approved without demonstrating that large trucks such as this one will fit completely in their loading berth(s) and not extend out into the alley right-of-way.

The Downtown Alley Cat Is On The Prowl: Episode 12