
Daylight: the ultimate amenity or shared essential resource?

In Seattle, access to daylight is marketed as the ultimate amenity in new luxury towers. Ironically some of these towers will block up to 100% of daylight to neighbors. Will lack of equitable planning divert this essential resource to those who pay top dollar?

Daylight: the ultimate amenity or shared essential resource?

Downtown Design Review Board Asleep At The Wheel…Again!

The Developer of the Silver Cloud continues to disregard Code [SMC] and repeated direction from the Design Review Board (DRB) and SDOT as it proceeds through the Recommendation phase. And the DRB has not held them accountable. Unless modified Silver Cloud will have a devastating environmental impact on surrounding streets and right-of-ways.

Downtown Design Review Board Asleep At The Wheel…Again!

Fairness in Design Review

Open letter to Nathan Torgelson, Director SDCI:

When you read the Mission Statement of the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI), “As stewards and regulators of land and buildings, we preserve and enhance the equity, livability, safety, and health in our communities”, it is easy to see how far from your mission you have strayed. We request a meeting with you and any other decision maker with the authority to require the Design Review process be structured to represent and protect all parties’ interests.

Fairness in Design Review