
Daylight: the ultimate amenity or shared essential resource?

In Seattle, access to daylight is marketed as the ultimate amenity in new luxury towers. Ironically some of these towers will block up to 100% of daylight to neighbors. Will lack of equitable planning divert this essential resource to those who pay top dollar?

Daylight: the ultimate amenity or shared essential resource?

Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

It’s now eighteen months after the Hearing Examiner remand on daylighting and health, and the Applicant is just trying to muddy the water with their latest study in order to “ snooker” the SDCI into approving this unhealthy design, rather than make improvements available to them under the law that would yield a design that would work for everyone.

Seattle SDCI “snookered” again on 5th & Virginia!

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

DRB asks for further study of proposed tower family after the community presented multiple studies and images showing that, without mitigation, the towers will do mass damage to the entire block.

Mama Mia! Mama and Baby towers would loom over the Fischer Studio Building

Washington Ranked 5th Worst State to Retire

A recent study by found Washington is the fifth worst state in the country to spend your retirement years, based on factors including affordability, crime, culture, weather, and wellness, among others. Only Illinois, Alaska, New York, and Maryland fared worse.

Washington Ranked 5th Worst State to Retire

NATURAL LIGHT MATTERS: It’s the Essence of Life

Three new condo projects in varying stages of development in downtown Seattle: Emerald, First Light, and Spire all recognize the importance of natural light to the health and enjoyment of life of homebuyers, and each promotes natural light as a selling point to potential buyers.

NATURAL LIGHT MATTERS: It’s the Essence of Life